Martina Flor combines her talents as both a designer and an illustrator in the drawing of letters. Based in Berlin she runs a well-known studio specializing in lettering and custom typography. She has worked with The Washington Post, Vanity Fair, Etsy, Adobe, Mercedes Benz, Lufthansa, Cosmopolitan and many more. Let’s explore the classy and jazzy world of lettering with Martina Flor.
Share your emotions and speak out loud with the most lovable LOVE bag.
L is for lively lines. O is for optimistic ornaments. V is vibrant curls and swirls. E is for empowering energy.
Shop the LOQI Martina Flor Collection.
Q. A museum nobody should miss? Q. What is your spirit animal? Q. Craziest place in Berlin? Q. What empowers you? Q. Favorite cartoon character? |
Q. What's the secret of creativity? Q. What song best describes you work ethic? Q. What kitchen utensil would you be? Q. Pick two celebrities to be your parents. |